Mercedes-Benz – Leadership

In chapter 12, the booked about how there are different types of leaders, their styles behaviors and some theories that are behind effective leadership. With Mercedes-Benz, the way they have effect such an effective team is because one of the exercises that leaders implement is to encourage collaboration. What this means is having  all people from different parts of the company learn about what other people do to help Mercedes-Benz be in the top 100 companies to work for. Another great idea that Dieter Zetsche, the CEO of Mercedes Benz, had was to always give back to the community and using innovation to top the competition. For example, Mercedes has developed a system to put into all of their cars called Pre-Safe. This systems helps detect if there is an imminent crash about to happen and it helps prepare the rest of the car systems to respond to an immediate braking of the car. All of these small ideas came from Leaders of this company who have helped improve and maintain Mercedes be one of the top 100 companies to work for.

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